This month has been really busy for Growing Me. Our social media has been up and running for a month now, and we’re slowly but surely getting the hang of it!! So much so, we’ve set up a Linked-In profile too! It has been wonderful noticing all the beauty in nature, ready to create our weekly wonders. Here they all are in one place…
Nicky is first up, and she has been drawing daffodils! Daffodils know how to position their flowers to make the most of even the smallest rays of sunshine. How can life be shaped to let more joy in?
Ellie has been drawing beautiful knarly old branches supporting new life. Foster, adoptive and SGO parents are often older than birth parents, and some children and adults can find that hard. This tree reminds us crinkly and old can do incredible things!!
Heron reminds us that patience and hope are precious. They keep heron fishing, they keep us dreaming, and they keep us daring to create and connect with one another. Welcome the wisdom of heron to fly where ever a sprinkle of patience and hope is needed.
There's so many dandelion clocks around at the moment and they are fantastic for encouraging deep breaths when children need a fun and regulating activity... How many seeds can you spread with just one breath? Don't forget to make a wish!
Spring is a wonder! New grass shoots through the soil, flowers open into the sun, and blossom shower us with confetti and turn the ground into a carpet of colour. Blossom is a wonder!! After the dark and cold of winter, what makes your heart smile in springtime?
I stumbled upon these false nettles, hiding amongst the stinging ones, and it reminded me of teenage years, when a fear of standing out, led to imitating peers, no matter how prickly!! Fear responses come in all shapes and sizes, and all need compassion and kindness (even if some are much easier to empathise with than others!!)
Ellie is well on the way with recording all the narration for the web-app, thanks to the wonderful Dubrek Studios in Derby. Nicky has been busy creating storyboards and drawings for all 10 animations. We are hoping to have the animations ready for the end of summer, ready to put into the web app. Bev, Maanya and Nicola are working on fundraising for the production of the physical toolkit and web-app, writing bids and thinking up ideas for an events. Watch this space!