Funding News!

This week, we are really pleased to announce that we have been awarded funding from the Derbyshire Police and Crime Commissioner.  This fund was set up to support projects that reduce Anti-Social Behaviour.  Sadly, half the under 25’s prison population have been through the care system.   All children who have spent time in the care system have experienced the rupture of being taken away from their birth parent/s.  Many have also experienced neglect and abuse, and their brains have developed to survive trauma.  The survival (fight/flight/freeze) part of the brain has had to get very good at its job, which can make it difficult for the thinking and feeling parts of the brain to flourish.  
At Growing Me, our toolkit is full of therapeutic content to support these children as they adjust to life in a safer environment.  We offer playful games to calm the survival part of the brain, so that thinking and feeling parts can blossom.  We are setting our sights on a future where these wonderful children can rewrite the statistics. We know that by intervening early, the whole community benefits – relationships in families improve, there is less disruption in schools, less likelihood of anti-social behaviour, time in prison, or mental health problems now and later in life.
It is really exciting that the Derbyshire Police and Crime Commissioner has put their faith in Growing Me – their funding will help us get the web-app ready for launch – and we can’t wait!!

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