The turning of the year...

In the Celtic calendar, November is considered both an end and a beginning; the turning of the year. The Autumn leaves create a fertile bed for the seeds and nuts they fall with and, as such, signal the very beginnings of the new life that will sprout next spring when sunshine and warmth returns.

Endings can be very hard for children who’ve had to move homes. An ending may have meant the loss of everything and everyone a child ever knew – from parents & carers, to a house, and a bedroom; familiar smells, and the feel of a special duvet; from a school/nursery & friends, to neighbours and teachers. Every ending since, will be a reminder of the story their body remembers that they were not safe. We can help people for whom endings feel scary by talking not only about the pain and fear but also by noticing what the Celts noticed – that endings are also beginnings.

Autumn is our reminder that, as we watch the mornings and evenings disappear into darkness, the seeds of new beginnings have already landing.

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