Wouldn't it be good to be an owl?

January is the best time of year for owl spotting – With incredible vision, stealth mode flying, and super speedy reflexes – I often think some owl superpowers could be really helpful!

Remembering that we have the power to do more than we think sounds simple, but can be hard to do in the moment. This EMDR exercise is great at helping us do just that!

EMDR is a weird and wonderful therapy that activates our natural healing processes alongside the power of our imagination. The results are often astounding and long-lasting.

The Boardroom of Heroes is fun and easy, and helps us find that we already have the skills we need but first need to find them in others… When we are faced with a challenge, we ask “What qualities will be useful for the task ahead, and what character can embody it?”

Perhaps you’d like Gandalf – for protection and wisdom
Yoda – for making things go your way
A tawny owl for spotting what you need in times of darkness
And an otter – for the playfulness to twist and turn out of tricky situations

Give each character time and space – reflect with mind and body – and enjoy the pleasant feelings that accompany each of the quantities. When we allow ourselves to enjoy the qualities, they become our own (they were there all along really!) .

Together, your Boardroom of Heroes has your back for whatever you need to face. Allow yourself to enjoy the feeling of being prepared and ready for anything. It really does work wonders!

Have fun finding yours.

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