Was it worth it?

Little seeds planted in little pots… Watered… Placed on sunny window-sills… Repotted as the sprouts grew… A bigger pot… A sunny garden… A frame for vines to climb and for pumpkins to hang from… Flowers grow… Flowers wither… 

It doesn’t look like we’ll be getting any pumpkins this autumn, but this beautiful flower is here today and, taking 10 minutes from my day, I drew it and felt grateful.  I wonder if the flies and bees that visited it felt grateful too. I plant vegetables every year knowing that the weather, the insects and my limited knowledge mean some will fail, and others will grow. Last year we got pumpkins, and lots of sweet sugar snap peas. This year it’s lettuce and strawberries. 

So was it worth all the work, and dirty fingernails? Absolutely! And this is a message that Growing Me holds dear because for children who have had a tough time in the past it can be really hard when things go wrong. They often blame themselves, can feel that life is hopeless, and try to avoid new things for fear of it going wrong again.

So this beautiful pumpkin flower is for those of us who feel like giving up. It shouts in all its orange glory – “Don’t give up!! Keep dreaming! Keep planting and keep imagining! Because by sowing many, many seeds, you can be sure that some will grow”.

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