The first 100 toolkits…
Off to the printers we go! As we send the final designs to the printers, we are taking a moment to celebrate So much time, thought, and love has gone into our resources that we are confident – and super … Continued
Off to the printers we go! As we send the final designs to the printers, we are taking a moment to celebrate So much time, thought, and love has gone into our resources that we are confident – and super … Continued
Worried about talking to your child about the Growing Me process?Worried about talking to your child about the Growing Me process?
Worried about talking to your child about the Growing Me process?
Jelly Bombs… In the lead up to Christmas, I can certainly relate to this feeling of overwhelm! …. like lots of jelly bombs fired at me and I go all wobbly! How amazing that a child could describe how they … Continued
Let it Flow Yesterday, I decided that I needed to play… so, I got my oil paints and let the process flow. I didn’t know what I would make, or what it would look like, and this stormy mixture arrived … Continued
A Christmas gift from The Pears Foundation… We are super grateful for our early Christmas present from The Pears Foundation! What a boost to know that we are among the 19 fantastic organisations supporting care-experienced children they have chosen to … Continued
Let’s keep it simple… There is beauty in the simplicity of these bare branches. When external things fall away, we can more easily see what needs attention, and what truly matters. When we can let go of expectation, we can … Continued
Reach out for the good bits! This is from a series of early sketches that explore different ways of interacting with the world around us. Here, an imaginary tree sends its roots out to find nourishment, illustrating how we push … Continued