Let the sunshine in

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Let the sunshine in! When we discussed the core values of Growing Me, they were, and continue to be, our guiding principles. We found the words “Let the Sunshine In” as we spoke about the need to notice and celebrate … Continued


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Ripples of Wonder Last spring time, I dug a pond.   I was feeling sad about the damage humans have done to our planet and decided to do something good in a corner of my garden.  And in the process I … Continued

Was it worth it?

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Was it worth it? Little seeds planted in little pots… Watered… Placed on sunny window-sills… Repotted as the sprouts grew… A bigger pot… A sunny garden… A frame for vines to climb and for pumpkins to hang from… Flowers grow… Flowers wither…  It doesn’t … Continued

Therapeutic Life Story Work…

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Therapeutic Life Story Work… We’ve been told Growing Me needs a tagline… This has sparked all kinds of interesting discussions about how we best communicate what we are… Our toolkit does the job of Therapeutic Life Story Work, and this … Continued

Better Together

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Better Together… Humans are social creatures: we’ve evolved to live in tribes.  Even if some of us like company, and others prefer to be alone, we all need to feel we belong! Modern life has changed the way we connect … Continued

Thank you!

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Funding News! This week, we are really pleased to announce that we have been awarded funding from the Derbyshire Police and Crime Commissioner.  This fund was set up to support projects that reduce Anti-Social Behaviour.  Sadly, half the under 25’s … Continued


posted in: Growing Me News | 0

Order! Ellie has been drawing the river… Nicky has been drawing cells… I’m sat in my wild, slightly overgrown garden, marvelling at the incredible patterns hidden amongst the chaos! The structure and organisation found in nature fascinates me – Each … Continued

Holidays and Celebrations…

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Holidays and celebrations… Growing Me slows down in school holidays.  As with many care-experienced children, the academic and social demands of school are massive for my little one.  School holidays provide a much needed opportunity for us to connect and … Continued